If You See Something, Say Something

Courage is not my strong suit, but last night I let some show, and I’m glad I did. I gave a piece of my mind to a complete stranger who was loudly and publicly berating his female partner. It was at the local health food store, which is not where I’d expect to see...

Stan Tatkin’s must-read blog.

The more I look at love, the less I realize I know, and it’s a good day if I apply to my personal relationships one concept I’ve learned from all the wonderful new books I’ve read. Lucky for me, therapists are posting left and right about how to do...

Attention: Partners of Substance Abusers

This article by Johann Hari on addiction blends the best of attachment theory, 12-step family programs and hard science research. Like the author, I have spent much of my life loving people who at the very least have Jekyll and Hyde personality changes when under the...