Attention: Partners of Substance Abusers

This article by Johann Hari on addiction blends the best of attachment theory, 12-step family programs and hard science research. Like the author, I have spent much of my life loving people who at the very least have Jekyll and Hyde personality changes when under the...

Attached, by Levine and Heller

Oh, just another attachment theory disquisition, I thought. (I was wrong. It’s not just another, it’s one of the best.) Published in 2010, the book states early on that adults show attachment patterns in romance similar to the way children bond with their...

Is It Love or Enmeshment?

I went to the doctor, I went to the mountains I looked to the children, I drank from the fountain There’s more than one answer to these questions pointing me in a crooked line. As the Indigo Girls sing, there’s more than one answer to the question of enmeshment....